Generative Pretraining From Pixels
Author: Kemal Erdem
What iGPT is not?
iGPT autoregressive examples, Source:
If it's not about generating images then what?
Pre-trained on ImageNet
Evaluation Model Accuracy w/o labels w/ labels
Linear Probe
ResNet-152paper 94.0
SimCLRpaper 95.3
iGPT-L 32x32 96.3
Linear Probe
ResNet-152 78.0
SimCLR 80.2
iGPT-L 32x32 82.8
Linear Probe
AMDIM-Lpaper 94.2
iGPT-L 32x32 95.5
AutoAugmentpaper 98.5
SimCLR 98.6
GPipepaper 99.0
iGPT-L 99.0
iGPT-L 88.5
SimCLR 89.0
AutoAugment 89.3
EfficientNetpaper 91.7
A comparison of linear probe and fine-tune accuracies, Source: OpenAI iGPT
Training process (2048 TPU cores)
Problem with attending over an entire image
The self-attention calculation in matrix form, Source: The Illustrated Transformer by Jay Alammar
Input scaling with 9bit color palette
Input preprocessing, Source: Generative Pretraining From Pixels
How color encoding works in practice?
Original image | scaled image | color encoded image
How to train it?
Training process, Source: Generative Pretraining From Pixels
Classification methods
Source: Generative Pretraining From Pixels
Results using linear probe
Linear probe results from iGPT-L model, Source: Generative Pretraining From Pixels
Results using linear probe
Method Input Resolution Features Parameters Accuracy
Rotationpaper original 8192 86M 55.4
iGPT-L 32x32x3 1536 1362M 60.3
BigBiGANpaper original 16384 86M 61.3
iGPT-L 48x48x3 1536 1362M 65.2
AMDIMpaper original 8192 626M 68.1
MoCopaper original 8192 375M 68.6
iGPT-XL 64x64x3 3072 6801M 68.7
SimCLRpaper original 2048 24M 69.3
CPC v2paper original 4096 303M 71.5
iGPT-XL 64x64x3 3072 x 5 6801M 72.0
SimCLR original 8192 375M 76.5
Linear probe results from different models against SOTA self-supervised models, Source: Generative Pretraining From Pixels
Accuracy and model size dependency
Validation generative loss, each model has a checkpoint at 65K, 131K, 262K, 524K, and 1000K steps, Source: Generative Pretraining From Pixels
Autoregressive image generation
Autoregressive image generation with primer
Autoregressive image generation with primer
Resolution enhancement using ESRGAN


"There's no such thing as a stupid question!"

Author: Kemal Erdem
Check out the code and generate your own images: