Airport Gate Assignment Problem:
Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods
Airport Gate Assignment Problem
What is AGAP?
- Problem of assigning airplanes to gates
- Has to minimize multiple objectives like waiting for free gate, forced movement of people etc.
Current approaches to AGAP
- Integer linear programming - Schiphol
- Stochastic model - Taiwan International, Ataturk
- Heuristic approach - Toronto International
- Genetic algorithm - KSA airport
- Over 43 publications
Limits of current approaches
- Static deterministic environments - mathematical definitions
- Many oversimplifications
53.5% Punctual
46.5% Delayed
- In 2018 535mln flights departed with some delay
- 150mln with more than 30min delay
- 87mln due to airport organization issues
Sources: EuroStat - "Air transport statistics 2018"; EuroControl - "Annual report for 2018/2019"
How solving AGAP can benefit us?
- Airports want to fit more flights
- Preventing delays
- Reducing waiting time
- Genetic Algorithm
- Swarm Optimization
- Tabu Search
- Reinforcement Learning
- Linear Programming
- Gradient Search
- Exhaustive Search
Proposed solution architecture
- Actor model based environment
- Use of state of the art RL algorithms
- Reward function composed of:
waiting time, forced people movement,
costs of changing gates, etc.
- Bellman Optimality equation
- Performance comparison to greedy algorithm
- Reinforcement Learning
- Fast Time Simulation (e.g. AirTOp)
- Deep Learning
- Airport employees and managers as domain experts for prior knowledge definition
- Model airport behaviour
- Environment for RL algorithm
- Visualize decisions
- Generation of analysis reports focused on optimization of passenger traffic
- Human decision-making support tools as web application
- Simulation API - for different layout/parameters analysis
- Scientific publications
Costs & Benefits
- Gathering data for simulation purposes
- Simulation engine
- Time and resources spent on interviews with domain experts
- Model training costs
- Improved knowledge in domain of reinforcement learning for multiobjective optimization
- Practical (research-based) insight into the difficulty of solving similar tasks with reinforcement learning techniques
- Better optimization and planning of flights and airport spatial layout
Agile methodology
"There's no such thing as a stupid question!"
Presented by:
Marek Pokropiński, Filip Strzałka, Kemal Erdem
Credits: Icons designed by Freepik